The Fast Track to Launch Your Online Course Website with No Tech Worries!

If You're a Teacher, Trainer or Coach struggling to launch your online training,
use this proven WordPress eCourse Site Blueprint that
guarantees you can sell your training online in the next 30 days.

Enrollment Closes Midnight Pacific Time on Monday, October 26, 2015


Does this sound like you?

  • Paralyzed by technology fears?
  • Don't know which WordPress plugins to use?
  • Did it take you weeks to figure out how to set up a basic WordPress site?
  • You bought technology or systems and never got it built?
  • No design or coding skills?
  • Worried about getting HACKED?
  • We Take the Terror Out of the Tech!
  • You get a fully functioning WordPress site with all the plugins.
  • Your site is pre-configured to save you time.
  • We'll coach you through the process and provide accountability.
  • Our drag and drop system makes it easy.
  • Protect yourself and your clients from Chinese and Russian Hackers!

eCourse Site Building Blueprint

Finally, a solution to delivering your online course without any worry!

Discover How to Deliver Your Online Training to Your Market Today...

If you ever wanted to reach more people with your products, services and knowledge but have been fearing the execution, then worry no more and read every word of the letter below.

Imagine being able to have access to a web development and hosting specialist who has actually worked in this industry for over 20 years and has worked with some of the most premier websites online today, fixing their problems, building their websites, and making sure that whatever they have to deliver is delivered on time with a user-friendly interface, and isn't confusing or hard for you to maintain.

Ellen K. Martin at Desk

Hi, my name is Ellen K. Martin, and for the last 20+ years I've been working with people in different fields helping them build their websites, secure their hosting, and deliver their products and services online.

I started with tech in the early 80s, learning how to program in the Basic Programming Language while still in high school. Then in college I learned many different languages, including Assembly language (nothing but bits and bytes)  and in 1987 I received a B.S. in Systems Analysis from Miami University,

I realized recently that I have always been a teacher at heart! I started teaching my brother to read when he was only 5 years old and I was 8 or 9, and then as a teenager I taught swim lessons to kids. After serving aboard two different ships as a Naval Officer, I was transferred to The University of Arizona to teach Leadership and Management to Naval Midshipmen. I loved teaching so much that I enrolled in the UofA Masters program for Educational Psychology with an emphasis on Instructional Design Technology.

This passion for teaching combined with a passion for the tech has led me to work with teachers, trainers and coaches who have a strong desire to change the world with their knowledge and expertise through an online course. I help people to overcome their tech challenges and fears so that they can successfully create their eCourse websites. I like to say "I take the terror out of the tech!"

All of this has led up to what I have for you today...

Introducing the eCourse Site Building Blueprint

Taking the Terror Out of the Tech!

Inside you will uncover...​

  • How to launch your eCourse website in the next 30 days without the tech worries
  • How to set up your online course in 4 easy lessons
  • How to create and design your sales page to win more students

The eCourse Site Building Blueprint will teach you the fast, easy way to create your eCourse website using WordPress and the LearnDash Learning Management System Plugin.

Having your own WordPress eCourse site is extremely easy, and you won't spend months waiting for a web developer to build it for you.

Why Choose WordPress with LearnDash?

You don't have to spend a fortune or have a dedicated tech team to create and maintain your site. Many eCourse platforms are expensive and you give up control. With WordPress and LearnDash, you have complete control and ownership of the platform, your content, and your student data (such as names and email addresses). You can even monitor the progress of your students as they work through your course and assignments, awarding badges and certificates along the way.

Sell Courses

Easily create and sell as many courses as you want, with no per-user fees or revenue sharing.


One-time price, subscriptions, and shopping cart support.

Multi-Tier Courses

Break up courses into lessons, topics, quizzes, and categories.

Drip Feed Content

Make your lesson content available according to a set schedule, after a number of days or on specific dates.

Certificates and Badges

Monitor student progress and award them with badges and certificates for course activity!

Rich Media

Insert videos, Articulate & Adobe Captivate files, images, audio, Google Docs and more.

Advanced Quizzing

Seven question types, custom messages, and much more.

Manage Assignments

Comment on and approve submitted assignments.

Monitor Progress

See real-time activity as users take Courses, Lessons, and Quizzes.



Topic 1: Determine content delivery options

Topic 2: Create Your Course Outline​

Topic 3: Initial Configurations​



Topic 1: Create a Basic Course

Topic 2: Set up the Architecture for the Course​



Topic 1: Select a Landing Page Builder

Topic 2: Select Your Hero Image

Topic 3: Add Sales Copy

Topic 4: Link Buy Buttons to your Course​



Topic 1: Add Content, Documents, Audio, and Video to Lessons and Topics

Topic 2: Add Assignments

Topic 3: Add Quizzes​



Monitor Student Progress

Select the best webinar and video hosting platform

Introduction to the Zoom Conferencing system

Introduction to the WebinarJam system

If you want to start selling your course right away, you will be ready to start enrolling students after the first three (3) lessons!

Here's the Deal...

This is a special Pilot Course that I'm putting together for a very limited number of people. It's not for everyone; just for those who have already designed their course and are ready to put it online.

If you're willing to invest the time and effort in the process, my team and I will support you through the entire process to ensure that you get your eCourse website online and start selling your course — even in time for Black Friday sales!

And here's the best part: This course would normally cost over $2000, but I'm offering a massive discount to the first 20 people to enroll.

​In exchange for this massive discount, I will be asking for your feedback in order to improve the course for future students. You will play a key role in shaping the course.

Here's What You Get...

  • ​A step-by-step Blueprint for launching your eCourse website
  • 4 live classes to teach you how to get your eCourse online
  • 4 live Hands-on Work Sessions to walk you through each step of the process
  • ​Unlimited coaching and support to guarantee your success
  • Lifetime Charter Membership in the eCourse Site Academy with unlimited access to all future courses - $1997 VALUE

Plus You Get All These Bonuses...

Your Own WordPress "Sandbox" Site

children playing in sandbox

Remember how it felt to be a kid playing in a sandbox?
Remember building sand castles then tearing them down in order to create something new?

Imagine having the freedom to create your eCourse website in your own sandbox where you're free to experiment without the worry of breaking anything.

The eCourse Site Building Blueprint includes your own private WordPress "Sandbox" where you can create your course in a worry-free environment. Automatic backups ensure that you can revert to an earlier version if you need to "tear down your sand castle" and start fresh.

The WordPress Sandbox Site is installed and fully configured for you, eliminating the need for any technical experience.

When you are done creating your site, you can move it to the web host of your choice, or continue to host it at Your WordPress Sandbox Site is hosted for free for the duration of the Coaching Workshop and for 3 additional months starting on December 1, 2015. If you decide to continue hosting with, we will manage all the WordPress and plugin updates as well as security and monitoring so you never have to worry.

It gets better...

sandbox with toys

Your WordPress Sandbox Site comes pre-loaded with all the essential plugins and themes for creating and delivering your course:

Plugins Package

  • LearnDash + ProPanel
  • WooCommerce Memberships
  • WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • WooCommerce Payment Action
  • WooCommerce Bookings
  • AffiliateWP
  • UpdraftPlus Premium backup plugin
  • PrettyLink Pro
  • Wordfence Security
  • Sucuri Security
  • W3 Total Cache
  • Yoast SEO

Thrive Themes Package

  • ThriveThemes
  • ThriveLeads
  • ContentBuilder
  • LandingPages

$1497 VALUE

Private, Members-Only Facebook Mastermind Group

This is a private community of teachers, trainers and coaches who are all serious about getting their eCourse website up and running as quickly as possible. 

While we take you by the hand and guide you through the process of creating your eCourse website, nothing beats the extra support and collaboration that comes from engaging with others who are following the same course.

Get feedback on your sales and order pages
Ask questions and get advice from fellow site builders
Offer up and receive insights and encouragement​

The eCourse Site Academy Team will be actively involved in the group as well.

$997 VALUE

Other Goodies

  • ​Free Managed WordPress eCourse Sites Hosting for 3 months - $297 VALUE
  • ​Free Extended 3 month Trial to Active Campaign email marketing platform - $27 VALUE
  • Free WordPress 101 Tutorials - $27 VALUE
  • One Year Free Membership to Online Marketing Confidence Insiders Mastermind - $324 VALUE
  • Free "Hero" (header) image of your choice from

Do you have an assistant or business partner who is helping you to build your site?​

We will even allow you to invite one of your team members to join the live trainings for free as long as they are working on your eCourse Website with you!​

$675 VALUE

Total Value = $5166

Ready to move ahead with your online course and begin making money by Thanksgiving?

Start selling your course online in time for Black Friday!

  • Tuesday, October 27 — Lesson 1
  • Tuesday, November 3 — Lesson 2
  • Tuesday, November 10 — Lesson 3
  • Tuesday, November 17 — Lesson 4
  • Thursday, October 29 — Group Work Session
  • Thursday, November 5 — Group Work Session
  • Thursday, November 12 — Group Work Session
  • Thursday, November 19 — Group Work Session

Is this for you?

  • ​You're already teaching a course or you've designed a new course and now you want to put it online
  • You haven't done it yet because you don't know how
  • You're ready to stop the excuses and do it now!

Let me guide you through the process of creating your eCourse Website...

... with the eCourse Site Building Blueprint

This life-changing workshop will help you to finally achieve your dream of launching an online course
...freeing you from all the hours and frustration of trying to figure out how to set up your eCourse site 
...freeing you from the tech headaches you the confidence to do it yourself or even hire the right person to do it for you.

It Doesn't Matter if You're Not Tech-Savvy, or Even If You're Terrified of the Tech...

... my team and I will be here to walk you through each step of the process.

Are you...

  • A seasoned business owner who is tired of paying for high priced web developers and Virtual Assistants who just can't seem to get the job done for you?
  • A new entrepreneur with no idea where to start?
  • Educated and capable, but overwhelmed by all the tech options?

We have the worry-free solution for you!

eCourse Site Building Blueprint

Finally, a solution to delivering your online course without any worry!

Meet the Team

Ellen K. Martin

Ellen K. Martin

Co-Founder and CEO of InfoTeam
Lead Instructor & Tech Coach

​Ellen has been programming since the early 80s and has been active in web development and online marketing since 1995. She started as a freelancer, then co-founded InfoTeam with her parents and brothers in 1996 with the idea of selling information on the Internet. The company quickly evolved into a web development and web hosting agency serving companies and non-profit organizations throughout the United States and internationally.

Her educational background includes a degree in Systems Analysis from Miami University and post graduate work in Educational Psychology, with an emphasis in Instructional Design Technology at The University of Arizona. Ellen has a unique ability to translate technical topics to make it easy for the non-techie to understand.

Ron Martin

Ron Martin

Co-Founder of InfoTeam
Lead Design Coach

Ron has been active in online marketing since 1996 when he began with InfoTeam as a graphic and web designer. He played a key role in making InfoTeam a premier provider of web hosting and design services to nonprofit organizations in the mid to late 90s.

His educational background includes Information Systems studies at The Ohio State University and Website Design at Tulsa Tech. He is uniquely creative and versatile with widespread experience in many aspects of online marketing including web, mobile, and social. Ron has an extensive background in design of logos, creation of online and offline advertising, design of a wide variety of web graphics, and creation of websites using hand coding as well as content management systems.

Jennifer Cox President, National Network of Embroidery Professionals

I love working on my web stuff with Ellen! I am not a "coder" yet I am the person that is responsible for all our websites and online systems. I know enough to know that I am usually underskilled. When I get confused or frustrated, I reach to Ellen. She walks me through the process in a way that makes sense to me and then I can make the changes or fix the issues. She makes is understandable to the degree I need to understand it, without burying me in "technical speak" that makes no sense to me. She thinks in "tech speak," but she works with me in "people speak!"

Ellen has a broad knowledge of web technology, yet understands how to speak with an entrepreneur.

Norma Rist Norma J. Rist CEO Consulting, Inc.


This is a very limited offer —
We will only be taking 20 students in this Pilot and it closes on October 26, 2015 at Midnight Pacific Time. 

W​hen the course officially opens, the price will be $1997, so don't miss out on this 1/2 price deal at $997.
Plus, you'll receive a WordPress starter site with over $1100 worth of plugins and other bonuses worth over $1600. 

The total value of the course and bonus packages is worth over $5000!

60 Day Risk Free Guarantee

If you put in the time, you will get the results. If you complete the first 3 lessons within 60 days of the start of the course and you're not absolutely thrilled with your results, we will refund your money, no questions asked. You can even keep the WordPress Plugins Bonus Package.

PLUS... The Better Than Money Back Guarantee!

When you join the eCourse Site Academy, follow the proven step-by-step process, and complete the first 3 lessons, you will have a basic course set up and a fully functioning sales page ready to take orders before Black Friday!

If you haven't successfully launched your site, before Thanksgiving, I will personally get on a video chat with you and help you overcome the hurdles. We'll even do a private screen sharing session to review your site show you what you need to do to get back on track.